How to Access the DiscipleLink Web Application

To access DiscipleLink, you will need to use your web browser. For example, Safari, Firefox, Edge, or Google Chrome are the most common web browsers.

If you do not know what web browser you are using, please search for one of the examples above. Typically, every laptop, iPhone, personal computer or iPad has a browser installed. It is one of the most common apps used on a device and is how you access websites and applications on the internet.

After opening your web browser, type in the address bar (typically at the top of the browser window): This will take you to the main website where you will find a variety of interesting articles, sample communities, and more.

At the top of the screen there is a “Log In” button that will take you to the application Login Screen.

Login Screen

  1. If you already have an account with DiscipleLink, enter your username and password and click the “Log In” button.

    • “Remember Me” Option - If you are on a personal device (not a public device), like an iPad, iPhone, laptop, or computer, you can choose to click the “Remember Me” option. This will allow your device to remember your username and password and will allow you to bypass the login screen until you log out. By choosing “Remember Me” you will stay “logged In” to the application. This option should be used only if you are accessing DiscipleLink with a personal device. Choosing “Remember Me” on a public device or someone else’s computer would not be wise since they could potentially access your account.

  2. If you do not have an existing account with DiscipleLink, you will need to click the “Create An Account” button. This will take you to the “Create Account” page.

How To Create an Account for DiscipleLink

Fill out the following fields:

  • Username

    • Our suggestion is to use your name, for example if your name is John Smith a good username would be “johnsmith”. You can use capital letters and numbers in your username.

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email Address

    • This email address will be used to notify you when other members of your discipleship group have posted Journals, updated Bible Reading, Comments, - you will be able to control the notifications sent to this email address in the “Settings” of the DiscipleLink application.

  • Password

    • The password should be unique to you and can contain letters, numbers and symbols. Minimum of 6 characters.

  • Confirm Password

Click the “Create Account” Button. This will take you back to the Login Screen where you enter your username and password.

Welcome to DiscipleLink. Now it is time to Subscribe.

Once you have logged in, you will see the Subscription page. Fill out the payment information and submit your payment. Once that is complete you will be able to use DiscipleLink with your Group, or create a new Group. For more information on How To Use DiscipleLink, be sure to visit the User Guide.